YL power!

AB4YL ham radio cartoon QSL by N2ESTAllison, AB4YL, has just about the coolest call ever for a YL. She’s also a friend; my wife Gail, N2ART, and I know her through our home club, the Alford Memorial Radio Club in Stone Mountain, Ga. That’s also where Allison serves as secretary. Being asked to create her QSL was an honor.

The QSL cartoon had to have three things in it: Allison (natch); her olive-green Jeep Wrangler; and her beloved dog, Matsi. I hope I did all three justice. The back of her card has two logos: Alford’s, and the logo of the Young Ladies Radio League. If you’re a YL and don’t yet belong, check it out.

Have you ever caused a pile-up?

Who do I answer?When that rare DX station appears, we’ve all had the experience of trying to be heard in the ensuing pile-up. But have you ever caused a pile-up?

Of course, operators of DX stations are used to sorting out calls in pile-ups. But what if you’re a new operator who’s just called his first CQ and more than one station answers?  For the novice ham — like this one in a cartoon I drew for “W1FB’s Help for New Hams” — the effect can be overwhelming and seem like a pile-up.

If you’re a DX station on the receiving end of pile-up, how do you pick who to answer? And how would you advise a new operator to handle multiple answers to a CQ?



Hitting warp speed with Morse code

high-speed CW cartoonThis cartoon I drew for “Morse Code: The Essential Language” by L. Peter Carron Jr., W3DKV, reminded me of how you know you’ve hit warp speed copying CW: You hear whole words instead of just letters.

When I earned my Novice ticket in 1973, it was all I could do to count the dits and dahs to copy CW. It kept me slow — but, fortunately, there were lots of other newbies in the Novice bands at the time who were just as slow as I was to keep me company.

At some point, I started recognizing whole letters, and I got a little faster. But it wasn’t until I started hearing whole words — at least, the short common ones like “the,” “it” and “for” — that CW started to feel comfortable.

These days, when I’m not on PSK31 I operate CW almost exclusively. I rarely use my microphone on HF. As a casual ham, I’m hardly a speed demon, but I am fast enough (around 20 wpm when I work at it) to have fun with a key. It’s also made me very popular at Field Day (CW contacts score higher).

How do you get that fast? It’s the same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice.

“Morse Code: The Essential Language” was published by the American Radio Relay League but has long since gone out of print. It’s still available online, often in used editions. If you’re into CW, it’s worth seeking out.

The ears have it

WB4SQ-ham-radio-cartoon-QSL-by-N2ESTGary, WB4SQ, keeps both radios and rabbits — and he wanted one of his favorites, a bunny named Benjamin, pictured on his QSL.

Here, Benjamin is seated at the control position of a cartoon version of Gary’s shack, surrounded by logos for the Southeastern DX Club and the North Fulton Amateur Radio League, Gary’s Atlanta-area home clubs. (North Fulton, by the way, was the Dayton Hamvention’s 2010 Club of the Year.)

Gary also came up with the punchline in the word balloon. Benjamin is no dumb bunny — like any good DXer, he listens more than he talks.

TuBE or not tuBE …

Shakespeare and vacuum tubeI drew this a few years ago for “The Opus of Amateur Radio Knowledge & Lore,” an excellent book by my friend Eric Nichols, KL7AJ. It visualizes a chapter title about vacuum tubes — yes, vacuum tubes — that explained them and a lot of other stuff with intelligence and style.

In fact, the whole book is like that; it explains not only how to be a ham, but also why to be a ham. If you haven’t fired up your rig in awhile (and if you have only a tube rig, we’ll assume it’s been awhile), you’ll want to after reading “Opus.” I know Eric’s text inspired me to get back on the air and enjoy the hobby after too much time bruised by its club politics and not enough time just playing radio.

The book is already in a second printing, this time with extra material by the inimitable Gordon West, WB6NOA. It’s also available at your better candy stores (I know our Atlanta-area Ham Radio Outlet carries it). I highly recommend this book.

Rifles and radios

N4BRR cartoon QSL by N2ESTSean, N4BRR, belonged to the elite Blue Ridge Rifles drill platoon when he attended the University of North Georgia. It’s still a big part of who he is, so he wanted it featured on his cartoon QSL, right down to the unit’s logo and a real rifle, all set in a cartoon version of his work cubicle.

He wanted a lot of other details as well: A gnome (it rhymes with his last name). A gun target (it’s on the right monitor) A picture of his children (it’s on the middle monitor). A picture of a squirrel drinking Guinness beer (it’s on the left monitor). The logo of one of his favorite bands, Nine Inch Nails (it’s on his t-shirt). And … a University of North Georgia calendar with the date of his wedding anniversary, circled, as a gift to his wife (it’s on the right end of the card).

I’m not sure I did justice to the details of the rifle, but I did my darnedest to get everything else right. It’s a fun QSL.

Wearing of the green, amateur-radio style

W1LGU cartoon QSL by N2ESTCarol, W1LGU, already had a cartoon QSL that reflected her phonetics — “Little Green Umbrella” — but wanted something more polished. That’s when she contacted me.

I used Carol’s basic design, refining its composition and adding touches specific to her station, including cartoon versions of her Heil microphone and Kenwood TS-590 transceiver. I also ensured that her code key was front-and-center because she’s a hardcore CW operator. Finally, I put as much green into the card as humanly possible.

I finished it yesterday, to Carol’s delight: “It is definitely exactly what I had hoped for in a QSL card,” she told me via email. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to have found you!”

Coincidentally, this almost-all-green-card went to press today — on St. Patrick’s Day. Were leprechauns responsible? Probably.

Colorado Rocky Mountain high …

K0WIT-cartoon-QSL-by-N2ESTMy latest QSL commission came from John, K0WIT, whose Colorado QTH is practically in the shadow of Pikes Peak. That meant I had to draw the mountain from a specific vantage point — as it would be seen from Woodland Park – to keep the card accurate. I also drew his specific antenna, an Alpha Delta Fan Dipole.

I got to cut loose and cartoon in the lower left corner, where his shack (literally a shack) is guarded by one of his three cats – saying “MEOW” in Morse code, of course.

This ham’s a lumberjack, and he’s okay …

VK2CDG ham radio cartoon QSL by N2ESTActually, he’s not a lumberjack, but David, VK2CDG, does chop wood for a living. David’s business card has cartoon clip art on it showing a man madly chopping logs, and he wanted it adapted for his QSL. This seemed like the obvious way to draw it. Note the sulphur-crested cockatoo and the koala, both native to Australia and both suggested by David to give his QSL some local flavor.

Rover / mobile / portable

K0BAK cartoon QSL by N2ESTThis cartoon QSL was fun to draw. Pete, K0BAK, operates a lot from the road and wanted an all-purpose card usable for any activity from any QTH. Because it’s best to operate from as high as possible, I placed him and his Honda van on top of a plateau. Maybe the mountain goat on the other plateau knows how he got there.