Phone patches and auto patches

ham radio autopatch cartoon by N2ESTI drew this cartoon some years ago to advertise a phone-patch-related product marketed by j-Com. It sure brings back memories of the way hams used to connect with the phone system. Does anyone still use a phone patch or an auto patch? For that matter, does anyone still use a landline phone?

To serve and protect …

N7NAN cartoon QSL by N2ESTNathan, N7NAN, wanted a QSL that showed both his sons and his longtime profession as a police officer, so I came up with the idea of making his call sign into a badge. Nathan is also big into emergency communications and is president of the National Tribal Amateur Radio Association.

Constitutional QSL

W200DOC cartoon QSL by N2ESTSince the U.S. Constitution was signed by a majority of convention delegates on this day in 1787, I wanted to share a QSL I created in 1988 to commemorate the constitution’s bicentennial as law of the land. That year, the FCC allowed ham stations to replace the number in their calls with “200” if they wanted to celebrate the event. My friend Bill Ronay, KM4LS, commissioned me to illustrate this special QSL for the Atlanta Radio Club. Not only did I draw the cartoon (love that brick-size handi-talkie!), but I also hand-lettered everything, including the report form on the back.

Hot rod QSL

W7SAB cartoon QSL by N2ESTWhen John, W7SAB, told me he wanted a picture of his 1929 Nash hot rod on his QSL, I knew immediately how I would play it: His QSL would be an homage to Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, creator of Rat Fink and king of the hot-rod cartoonists.

Drawing this card presented three challenges: Getting John’s likeness right, getting John’s car right, and making it look as if Roth might have drawn it. I think I got close.

John’s reaction when he saw the finished product: “Awesome!!!” This one was a lot of fun to draw.

Truckin’ with ham radio

KB8ILD cartoon QSL by N2ESTRaymond, KB8ILD, is a long-haul trucker who wanted his semi  — not just any semi, but his semi — on his QSL card. Easy, right? Well, sort of. While there were plenty of reference images on the Internet to help me get the the general dimensions correct (and he did send me a picture of his truck), a rig like this doesn’t easily fit onto a postcard. To balance it out, I moved the call sign above the trailer rather than placing it on the trailer itself. I also hand-lettered the entire card, something I do from time to time. I worked for years hand-lettering comic books for Marvel, Dark Horse, First and other publishers, so I’ve had plenty of practice.

KK4AGN and her RV (and Skipper, too)

KK4AGN cartoon QSL by N2ESTMy latest cartoon QSL commission was a lot of fun. Margie, KK4AGN, and her husband Gerhard, KF4GGK, travel the country and the hamfest circuit in a Winnebago — that is, when Margie’s not editing the club newsletter for the Anderson (S.C.) Radio Club. That’s why she wanted the Winnebago on her QSL — along with her dog Skipper. (We’re going to assume Gerhard is in the back, operating mobile.) This commission required drawing a specific vehicle in cartoon form, along with likenesses of both Margie and Skipper. I think Margie liked her caricature. If Skipper doesn’t like his caricature, he’s not saying.