This illustration was commissioned as a Christmas gift by the daughter of Larry Staples, W0AIB. A respected ham in the Kansas City area, Larry is founder and editor of Larry’s List, a well-known ham-radio email information service.
I had only one problem with the cartoon, but it was major: Larry’s daughter knew almost nothing about her dad’s involvement in the hobby. All Mary knew for sure was that he’d been a ham most of his life and that “he hadn’t bought a new radio since 1984.” No pictures of his shack, no clue as to which modes he preferred … nothing except a picture of Larry.
This cartoon required both a little research and a little imagination. Judging from this YouTube video, Larry’s List clearly was his main ham activity, so I suggested making it the focus of the cartoon as well. And because he’d been a ham such a long time, I drew in a bunch of boat anchors – literally. Oh, and a spark gap transmitter.
Larry sent me an email after receiving his gift to tell me he felt “honored” to have received it. Larry, I feel honored to have been asked to draw it.
To subscribe to Larry’s List, visit the website, or email Larry directly at to request subscription information.